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Elden Ring Night Sorcery

Night Sorceries: Unseen Magic in Elden Ring

Night Sorceries in Elden Ring

Night Sorceries are a distinct group of Sorceries in Elden Ring that harness the power of darkness and stealth. These mystical abilities allow casters to wield unseen magic, making them ideal for surprise attacks and covert operations.

Best Night Sorceries in Elden Ring

Night Comet

The Night Comet Sorcery fires a semi-invisible magic projectile, making it difficult for enemies to spot and dodge. Its long range and devastating damage output make it a formidable offensive tool.

Unseen Form

The Unseen Form Sorcery enhances the caster's stealth by making them temporarily invisible. This allows them to approach enemies undetected and strike at the opportune moment.

Conclusion: Night Sorceries in Action

Night Sorceries provide a unique and versatile set of abilities in Elden Ring. From the devastating power of Night Comet to the deceptive stealth of Unseen Form, these Sorceries offer players a distinct advantage in combat. By mastering these nocturnal arts, Tarnished adventurers can overcome even the most formidable foes with an air of mystery and precision.
